IV. Why and which personal information do we need? A. Registration During registration we ask that you provide data that is necessary for creating an account on www.delta.poznan.pl thanks to which you do not have to waste time on filling in the order form again every time you purchase an item. By registering you save time the next time you shop. After logging in, the registered client can also verify the status of the order as well as shopping history. The registered and logged in client can correct, fill in or delete the data from delta.poznan.pl at any time by oneself. During the registration, please submit: 1. name and surname - necessary to issue a proof of purchase and address the package. 2. address (street, number/number and apartment number, postal code and city) – necessary for addressing the package; 3. E-mail - necessary to log in to delta.poznan.pl and for communication connected with the use of delta.poznan.pl Data submitted during registration is only processed by delta.poznan.pl and is not used in any other way. B. Placing an Order While placing an order, please provide all necessary information needed to execute your order. Some will be partially obtained from the information that was provided during registration in the case of registered and logged in clients. When placing an order, please provide the following: 1. name and last name or name of company/institute – necessary for issuing proof of purchase and addressing the package; 2. address (street, number/number and apartment number, postal code and city) – necessary for addressing the package; 3. E-mail – necessary to communicate regarding the execution of the order; 4. telephone number – necessary in the case of some delivery methods (required by some carriers); In the case that a customer chooses to have his package delivered to a different address than the one provided at registration, we ask that the following information be provided additionally: 1. name and last name or name of company/institute – necessary for addressing the package; 2. address (street, number/number and apartment number, postal code and city) – necessary for addressing the package; 3. VAT ID – necessary for providing proof of purchase. Information that is provided while placing an order is processed by delta.poznan.pl and the following subjects within the range below: 1. name and last name, address, telephone number, E-mail are indicated as the delivery address and passed on to a carrier as a label/dispatch note and act as a package delivery instruction. Depending on the chosen delivery method, the following are handed over: a - DPD Polska - Nip: 526 020 41 10 KRS: 0000028368 b - DHL Express (Poland) - Nip: 527 002 23 91 KRS: 0000047237 c - Raben Logistic Polska - Nip: 777 324 96 77 KRS: 0000561623 d - Jas-FBG S.A. Katowice - Nip: 633 000 3565 KRS: 0000019000 e - Pocztex - > Poczta Polska S.A. - Nip: 525 000 73 13 KRS: 0000334972 2. name and last name, address, VAT ID are indicated as information that should be on the sales document and are passed on in the form of a sales document to Comarch bookkeeping system called Optima. 3. name and surname, address, VAT ID No. indicated as the data for which the sales document is to be issued are sent to the Tax Office of Joanna Sibila (VAT ID No. PL9720091484) 3. name and surname, address, VAT ID No. indicated as the data are transferred to the delta.poznan.pl Server Administrator, the ADVIS company (VAT ID No. PL9720354707) If an external payment system is used for payments, all information that passes through the payment operator's page gets registered in his database only and are not available or stored by delta.poznan.pl delta.poznan.pl cooperated with the following payment operators: First Data Polska S.A - Nip: 526 021 04 29 KRS: 0000061293 PayPal Polska Sp. z o.o. NIP: 5252406419 KRS: 0000289372 delta.poznan.pl does not cooperate with operators of instalment plans.
C. Newsletter Subscription In the case you subscribe to the newsletter and agree to receiving it in the process of registering or placing an order, we only ask for an E-mail address, to which will be sent from the Controller. You may resign from it at any time by logging into your account at delta.poznan.pl or clicking the cancellation link located in the footer of each newsletter. Information provided during subscription are only processed by delta.poznan.pl